Successful Tree Fundraiser at Poets at the Hotel Indigo!
Many thanks to everyone who came out for our fundraiser on August 27th at Poets at the Hotel Indigo! In our most successful fundraising event to date, we raised $1,005 to support tree planting work in Mt. Vernon this fall. Special thanks to Aiko Kodaira and Jason House for coordinating the fundraiser. Thanks also to the Hotel Indigo and to Andrew McCarthy and Matthew John’s Salon for providing gift certificates for our raffle. A great time was had by all, and we raised significant funds to support tree planting work in the neighborhood.
Stay tuned for more information on our next fundraiser to be held on October 6th at the Owl Bar and for our fall 2015 tree planting and maintenance events scheduled for October 24th and November 14th. As always, email for more information on our tree planting work or to be added to the tree volunteer email list.
Proposed Outdoor Market
An appeal has been filed for a zoning variance to allow an outdoor market on the side of 24 East Madison Street (800 Saint Paul Street). The location is the space between the Strong Box and what will become The Room (the old Red Emma’s) on Saint Paul Street. Jackson Gentile will be presenting his plans for this outdoor market at the General Membership Meeting. The request for the zoning variance reads as follows:
“The Purpose of this Appeal is to have the St. Paul Side of 24 E. Madison street zoned for use as an outdoor market. The zoning would apply to the open space of approximately 7 feet by 50 feet running along the St. Paul St. Side of the property. Sales would be conducted using multiple kiosks selling: Arts and Crafts, Some Antiques, Vegan Food, Prepared Foods, Farmers Market, if it is possible general retail sales.”
New Workplace
Mount Vernon has just landed one of the newest and most hip workplaces in the city. The CO-OP (located at 12 West Madison Street) offers workspace to individuals and companies looking for high-end amenities located among some of the best cultural and dining spots Mt. Vernon has to offer. The building has both open desk space and private offices to choose from. Visit The CO-OP’s listing on Kinglet to take a tour!
The Spire Series
First & Franklin Presbyterian Church
Linda Loving returns to Baltimore with the one-woman drama, Julian of Norwich by J. Janda, bringing to life the spiritual wisdom of this medieval mystic. Julian was the first known woman to write in Middle English; her writings speak profoundly to our own times and this performance has inspired audiences around the country. Loving’s performance was recently shot on location in Norwich, England and the DVD is in international distribution.
In the midst of great turmoil, Julian spoke words of comfort, hope, forgiveness and revelation. In the face of the AIDS epidemic, violent wars and terrorism, hunger and homelessness, and a creation scarred by our apathy and abuse—we need to hear that “all is well” and commit ourselves anew to treasuring God’s precious creatures and creation. – Linda Loving
Rev. Loving is an actress, writer and ordained Presbyterian minister; in her twenty years in parish ministry she served as senior pastor of the prestigious House of Hope Presbyterian Church in St. Paul, MN, and as an Associate at Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago.
210 West Madison Street | Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 728-5545 |
Conviction in Shooting Case
Quentin Bass, the accused shooter of Alex Ulrich and Larry Peterson, was convicted of two counts of murder and additional lesser charges after a four day trial. The jury took only two hours to deliberate on the charges in this high profile case, which was masterfully prosecuted by Assistant State’s Attorney Tonya LaPolla. Fittingly, the conviction occurred on August 10, 2015, exactly three years to the day after the shooting.
Testimony came from the retired police detective originally in charge of the investigation, the lead detective’s partner detective, forensic experts, a police informant who reported that Bass had told him about the shooting, and a witness who was with Larry and Alex during the shooting when Bass along with a female companion attempted to rob the three men at gunpoint as they talked on the steps of Larry’s residence on East Chase Street. The surviving witness later positively identified Bass in a photo line-up after Bass was arrested (carrying a handgun) in the East Square of Mount Vernon Place a few weeks after the shooting.
Alex Ulrich was new to the city and to Mount Vernon, but had been welcomed by Larry as so many new residents had been over the past 20 years. Through Larry, Alex was quickly being introduced to many of us in Mount Vernon. Larry’s arrival in Mount Vernon over 20 years ago and his purchase of a commercial building which he converted into a private residence marked the beginning of Mount Vernon’s revival in which dozens of dilapidated commercial properties were renovated into private homes or premier businesses. Larry personally worked with dozens of potential and new homeowners to find properties for them to purchase and to advise them in the renovation process. Many of the homeowners introduced to Mount Vernon by Larry became community leaders who helped to make the neighborhood cleaner, safer, and more vibrant. Larry was also known to lobby for Mount Vernon with city council members and mayors.
Larry was a steadfast supporter of new businesses in Mount Vernon, personally bringing neighbors to Sammy’s, Spirits of Mount Vernon, Iggies, Marie Louise Bistro, Minato, and many others to ensure that the establishments received positive buzz and the support of the community. He raved about Eddie’s sandwiches, the pasta dishes at City Cafe and the fried polenta at Sotto Sopra. He sent friends to Odorite for cleaning supplies, to Center Stage for entertainment, and to Leon’s for… more entertainment. Larry could be seen and heard at Grand Central and on the streets of Mount Vernon every day — encouraging both residents and business owners to plant flower boxes and or to put out hanging baskets, to clean their windows and sidewalks, to water trees, and leave lights in the windows on at night. He was known for buying neighbors fresh Christmas trees and providing unsolicited decorating advice. Larry was the key organizer of the community when attendees were needed for critical hearings about height limits, liquor license infractions, historic preservation, planning, or zoning. He knew every property in the community and almost every property owner. For all of that, and for his passion for Baltimore and Mount Vernon, he was affectionately called the Mayor of Mount Vernon. Larry Peterson passed away almost two years after the robbery attempt and shooting, enduring many surgeries and complications during those years. He is survived by his husband, Tom Sabia, who remains a good friend to Larry’s huge extended family.
Next steps: Although the trial is over, the sentencing hearing is scheduled for October 21, 2015 and there remains the possibility of an appeal. Friends and extended family members are encouraged to write impact statements by no later than September 30, 2015 and to attend the hearing. E-mail for hints on writing an effective impact statement and to submit your letters.
If you would like a coy of the printed newsletter, Click 2015-09.pdf