Developer friendly. We reward risk takers who are willing to be first movers.
Mount Vernon-Belvedere is well-known in the Baltimore-Washington, DC region as a prime development location with a 98 walkability score (highest in Baltimore) and close proximity to downtown, to educational and other institutions, and to all modes of transit. The Development Committee works actively to promote appropriate and high quality mixed-use development and works closely with developers to help them avoid pitfalls and understand: 1) the nuances of local market conditions (at a block-by-block and lot-by-lot level), 2) design guidelines, 3) potential tax credits, and 4) the city permit process. The committee is comprised of industry professionals who take their responsibility to both the neighborhood and developers seriously, including maintaining strict confidentiality and avoiding conflicts of interest when discussing sensitive non-public pre-development plans with developers and investors.
Since 2000, MVBA committees have advised and reviewed hundreds of now-completed projects with a total investment exceeding $650MM and another $50-100MM in the pipeline. During that time, the population of Mount Vernon has increased from approximately 6,500 residents to over 10,500 residents. Other accomplishments include the implementation of the Mount Vernon Urban Renewal Plan, creating clear Guidelines for New Construction in Mount Vernon, advocating for and ongoing installation of cycle tracks, and recent completion of a 2.5-year process to draft and approve the Mount Vernon Master Plan.
See Zoning Committee.
Committee Chair
Steve Shen
The first Monday of every month (except December) as needed. Meetings start at 6 PM, unless noted differently. Location will be provided by committee chair in advance of meeting.