Led the way in the creation of an urban renewal plan that speaks for this community and its values, and that is attracting good, innovative development, while preserving the ambiance that makes this neighborhood unique in the country.
Led the construction of the Mount Vernon Children’s Park, the community’s first family-oriented recreation area. For this effort, the MVBA raised over $350,000 in one year, and transformed a neglected piece of city property into a beautiful park.
Prevented the State from locating a prison facility in the middle of a residential block.
Formed a coalition with downtown community and homelessness advocacy groups to oppose plans by downtown businesses to shift the homeless population into the surrounding neighborhoods, including Mount Vernon, without any plans for the extra services needed to support this population.
Purchased and planted more than 100 trees throughout the neighborhood in the past year.
Represented our community in major mass transit planning sessions.
Reviewed and approved hundreds of restoration projects.
Filed hundreds of sanitation enforcement reports, resolved dozens of chronic illegal dumping sites, and pursued more than one hundred housing code violations.
Successfully advocated for the development of an urban renewal plan that speaks for this community and its values, and respects both the importance of our historic architecture and its irreplaceable charm, while encouraging high quality development at appropriate heights for decades to come.
Working with the city to ensure greater safety in every part of our community.
Working with the City to develop Howard’s Park Dog Park
Representing Mount Vernon in state-mass transit planning sessions, that will impact us for decades, and actively lobbying for improved mass transit.
Every year, the MVBA sends the largest delegation in the state to Annapolis to lobby for continued funding of the historic tax credit program that is helping to transform commercial and residential properties in Mount Vernon.
Planting additional trees and maintaining existing trees.
Building a first class marketing/visibility campaign for Mount Vernon.
Advocating for the restoration of the Mount Vernon Place Parks.
More effectively promoting Mount Vernon institutions and businesses to visitors and tourists.